Snowed In!
Bit of a funny start to spring here at Fairoak! The boys are separated into their batchelor pads once again in preparation for 2018's...

Our Keepers Of This Season!
Heya guys! I'm having a dedicated woozel day tomorrow! Will catch up on emails, messages, get some photos and just generally....catch up!...

A Busy Weekend!
Phew! What a crazy Easter weekend we've had! Finally going to sit down lol! Saturday we went to the Fluffy Retreat Ferret Rescue show...

Change of Plans.....
Sorry for being so quiet folks! As they say.. no news is good news! All is well and calm here at Fairoak.... however, we do have a...

More Matings Taking Place!
Morning folks! Three more of our lovely ladies have had their dates now! Kits from these pairings expected last week of April and first...

2017 Matings are Starting!!
Morning folks! Spring is definitely here at Fairoak now! We are delighted to announce our first two matings have taken place! <3 We will...

New Arrivals at Fairoak!
Well things were starting to get quite quiet at Fairoak, the Neopets are 9 weeks old and are starting to go to their new homes, Umbra...

Geralt x Clementine Have Had Their Date!
Clementine's previous mating was not successful and she had a phantom pregnancy. She has now been back in season and has been dating the...

Possible New Mating!
Due to a couple of small litters this year we are comtemplating breeding Majora after all. We originally decided not to breed Majora or...

Lady Ammy and Geralt have been Dating!
Our lovely Lady Ammy and our gorgeous new male Geralt from Russia have now had their date! We are very excited about this litter, and the...