2 Week Old Bayonetta Kits!
We have a wonderful little rainbow of the 9 Bayonetta x Geralt kits here! We look to have lots of silvers and some blacks! Stay tuned for...

Arrivals From Filippa & Aveline!
We are definitely in Kit Season here now, the sounds of kitlings are filling the nursery! 💕 Here's a sweet little Bayonetta baby, now...

Update On Our Current Litters
Little sneak at Eevee's babies this morning, all looking good and all 8 still with us and looking strong! We look to have a real rainbow...

Eevee Has Her Litter!
Yesterday morning (21st) Eevee presented us with our second litter of the season! (Not the best pic, just a quick snap on my phone!) ...

Fairoak's First Litter for 2017!
Well, do we have some news to tell! Our Bayonetta has been extraordinary these past few days and we are please to announce Fairoak's...

A Busy Weekend!
Phew! What a crazy Easter weekend we've had! Finally going to sit down lol! Saturday we went to the Fluffy Retreat Ferret Rescue show...

Change of Plans.....
Sorry for being so quiet folks! As they say.. no news is good news! All is well and calm here at Fairoak.... however, we do have a...