Meet Bayonetta!
Lovely Bayonetta from the Umbra Witches litter is quite special... she is our first ever Black ferret at the ferretry, and a beautiful...

4 Weeks Old - The Umbra Witches!
#MoxxiKits #Litters

4 Weeks Old - The Triforce Goddesses!
#ZeldaKits #Litters

4 Weeks Old - The Eeveelutions!
#EeveeKits #Litters

5 Weeks Old - The Board Games!
Here they are! 5 weeks old... the Board game litter!! Happy little plump flumps! Now we have eyes open on almost everyone, we can start...

3 Weeks Old - The Umbra Witches!
Moxxi's Umbra Witches are now 3 weeks old and starting on solid foods! These gorgeous girls have left us gobsmacked by their incredibly...

3 Weeks Old - The Eeveelutions!
Look at those plump bellies! The Eeveelutions are 3 weeks old and absolute giants! We are in shock by how big these guys are, they...

3 Weeks Old - The Triforce Goddesses!
Time sure is flying by! Already 3 weeks old and now eating solids! The Triforce girls are doing fantastic and their colours are really...

Geralt x Clementine Have Had Their Date!
Clementine's previous mating was not successful and she had a phantom pregnancy. She has now been back in season and has been dating the...

Please Meet... The Neopets!
Please welcome, The Neopets! Names havent been assigned properly yet, will do so next week when we have more colour showing and can be...