Our Keepers Of This Season!
Heya guys! I'm having a dedicated woozel day tomorrow! Will catch up on emails, messages, get some photos and just generally....catch up!...

Babies In New Homes!
Things are a lot quieter this morning at Fairoak, as a lot of our little babies have travelled to their new homes with their wonderful...

Hello World!
We have a meeper with a peeper!! Hello world! <3 Fairoak's Ember is our first peeper-meeper of 2017! Deposits on kits will be taken once...

Bayo's "Legend of Spyro" Litter - 3 weeks!
3 Week old "Legend of Spyro" litter! There's only 8 in this shot because I had to give one back to Bayonetta, she wasn't too pleased they...

2 Week Old Bayonetta Kits!
We have a wonderful little rainbow of the 9 Bayonetta x Geralt kits here! We look to have lots of silvers and some blacks! Stay tuned for...

Fairoak's First Litter for 2017!
Well, do we have some news to tell! Our Bayonetta has been extraordinary these past few days and we are please to announce Fairoak's...