Bayo's "Legend of Spyro" Litter - 3 weeks!
3 Week old "Legend of Spyro" litter! There's only 8 in this shot because I had to give one back to Bayonetta, she wasn't too pleased they were all out of bed! Names are as follows;
Fairoak's Spyro (Silver Hob)
Fairoak's Cynder (Black Self Jill) *Staying in Ferretry*
Fairoak's Ripto (Black Roan Mitt Hob)
Fairoak's Ember (Black Roan Mitt Jill)
Fairoak's Gnasty Gnorc (Black Roan Mitt Hob)
Fairoak's Bianca (Silver Jill)
Fairoak's Hunter (Silver Mitt Hob)
Fairoak's Ineptune (Black Self Jill)
Fairoak's Cho-Lei (Silver Mitt Jill)