Welcome, The Lodge of Sorceresses!
Big welcome to Lady Ammy and Geralt's 5 girls... our little Lodge of Sorceresses! This picture was taken a couple of days ago when they...

Update on Ammy
Lady Ammy is doing a great job with her babies, so much so, she will not entertain the idea of a photo, or me being anywhere near the...

New Arrivals at Fairoak!
Well things were starting to get quite quiet at Fairoak, the Neopets are 9 weeks old and are starting to go to their new homes, Umbra...

7 Week Old Triforce kits!
Da, Da, Da, Daaaahhh! The Triforce Godesses! Now 7 weeks old and they are cute, cute, cute! Nayru is now the boss of these ladies, she's...

5 Weeks Old - Neopets!!
Well these guys are certainly growing up fast as well!! And we are already quite smitten with a couple of the boys.... stay tuned, I...

6 Weeks Old - Umbra Witches
The Umbra Witches! Now 6 weeks old and far too cute! As well as being such different colours, they are also have totally different...

6 Weeks Old - Eeveelutions!
These guys are some of the biggest babies we've ever seen!! They are little chocolate tanks!! Awww! #EeveeKits #Litters

6 Weeks Old - Triforce Ladies!
Such gorgeous girls! Zelda and Thor's kits have hit that cuteness stage! #ZeldaKits #Litters

7 Weeks Old - Board game Litter!
Can you believe the Board games are actually 7 weeks old?? Where has the time gone!? These guys are just loveable squishes. They each...

Neopets are 4 Weeks Old!
Oops! We are getting a little behond schedule with our updates on here... as you can imagine we are super busy now! Our little neopets...