Last Ferret Show of the 2015 Season

What a fantastic way to end the 2015 showing season! And at one of the happiest and most fun ferret shows ever! So proud of our furkids and absolutely love that our GLaDOS won the stewards hearts and got Stewards Favourite! Thank you to all the judges and show organisers for such a fun day, here are our results! PaddyFerrets Moxxi - 1st Place Silver Jill AngoraFerretry Eevee - 1st Place Sandy Jill GLaDOS - 3rd Place Sandy Jill RAF's Austin - 3rd Place Sandy Hob Fairoak's Link Between Worlds - 3rd Place Kit Hob Wheatley (Our sweet rescue boy!) - 2nd Place Veteran GLaDOS - Stewards Favourite! And a huge well done to Becky Lea who won 1st Place Kit Hob AND Best Kit in Show with Fairoak's Fizzlybear!!! He is looking incredible Becky, well done!!